I admit it, I have criticized in the past. I have clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth and pursed my eyebrows, tossing my head back ever so slightly, culminating in a judgmental shake with the whisper of these words falling from my lips: “Seriously,” says I, “can’t we at least wait till the leaves fall and the kids have made their handprint turkeys in elementary school before we get bombarded with Christmas hype?”
And yet, here I am, on the band-sleigh with commercials and store displays, hawking my holiday wares in early November. Really though, I wouldn’t make a deal of it if it weren’t that I love this particular Christmas thing I am selling. Rather, I love the people who make it such a bright and shiny cozy kind of experience for me.
If you’re reading this post you are either bored stiff and unable to sleep, or you are interested in something I’m doing. So I want to let you know that the tickets for our Holiday Concert are, gratefully, going fast. All the preferred seats are sold out for all three shows (actually, I think there is one seat left for one show, and it will likely remain that way, since I don’t know anybody who wants to go to my concerts alone). And the Monday night show is full up. Sold out. Isn’t that music to an artist’s ears? Indeed, it is… until someone I love calls me and says they had some sort of catastrophic event keep them from getting their tickets earlier and did I happen to have any extras on hand? Truth is, it’s the fabulous folks at Farmington City’s Parks and Recreation who handle the ticket sales, and I don’t even have any in a secret stash in my bedroom.
There are roughly 80 seats left for Friday and Saturday shows in Farmington, and I suspect there are some left for the Utah Voices show I am doing at Libby Gardner Hall on Saturday night, Nov 30. But…if you are still reading…bless your heart…all my concerts sold out before Thanksgiving last year. (Can you believe it? Wowzers!) So if you’re thinking of grabbing someone you kinda like, or even love a little…or love a lot, and coming for a warm fuzzy kind of musical night, then I guess I want to suggest you call the good folks at Parks and Rec and order your tickets pronto.801-451-0953.
We rehearsed today with Mark and Kelly and Merlyn. Yummy, yummy harmonies, I tell ya! And Steve Witt has agreed to jump on board with some fancy guitar work. And yesterday we were thrilled with the lovely cello work of Emily Quigley, so she’ll be there on stage with us as well. It’s gonna be so much fun I can hardly stand it!
We have a new little granddaughter peeking over the edge of heaven right now, ready to jump into her Mama Annie and Papa Jordon’s arms in the next two weeks. Yay for that! Rehearsals, writing, snuggling, cooking…and to top it off, as soon as the concerts are over I’m hosting a bridal shower at my house, all of which beg the question…is it too early to put up Christmas?
I hope not, cuz Dave is off for Veterans Day on Monday, and I plan to set him to work. He may think he’s going to get one last round of golf in…. Alas…Poor Dave. Jingle all the way!