Who doesn’t love finding out that people want to come hear them when they have something to say? I don’t profess to be a great singer, or performer for that matter. I think what I do is talk with pitch, and that’s what I have to share. A casual family room type conversation what happens to be wrapped in music. The folks at Farmington City called this morning to tell me our three shows are SOLD OUT. This should make me happy. And it does, until I start getting calls from people I love who forgot to get tickets.
This year we have a solution for that! The fabulous choir, directed by my friend and masterful musician, Dr. Michael Huff, UTAH VOICES, is giving their holiday performance this coming Saturday at Libby Gardner Hall on the U of U campus. It’s an absolutely beautiful venue, and an amazing choir. And, lucky me -they have invited me to be their guest artist this year. Mark and Kelly and Merlyn will join me for this performance as well. And Emily on cello. And Steve on additional guitar.
So if you wanted to come immerse yourself in sentimental folk music, and some glorious choral pieces, this is your show!
Tickets are $12 available at www.utahvoices.org or at the door. Show starts at 8 pm.
Can’t wait!
I hope everyone has a blessedly beautiful chance to gather with people they love and share an attitude of gratitude this week.
Much love,