I’m cautious of posting on my website too often, because if you are a follower I am sensitive to the bulk of mail that ends up in email boxes and I don’t want to be a bother. So I’m not one who posts every week like my web advisor suggests. On the other hand, when there’s news, I want to share it. So here’s the news. The Dec 8th Holiday Concert in Farmington is sold out. It only seats 300, so it was a rather small venue to begin with. So if you were planning to attend in December, I’m sorry. On the other hand, what artist doesn’t want to sell out their show?
Not to worry, however. There’s another show on Nov 29th at the beautiful First Presbyterian Church in Salt Lake City. We have performed here a number of times, but not in the last few years. Those of you who have been here know how absolutely charming it is for a Christmas show! Lovely stained glass, rich red velvet cushion on the pews, tall ceilings,a and splendid Christmas decor. Tickets are available for this show…just click right HERE.
You have various options. General Seating, first come, first seated, is $15. Preferred seating ($20) will guarantee you a seat in the main floor center section. There are a few group tickets still available. That’s 10 tickets for $125, general seating. We have already sold a couple hundred seats to this show, and even though the sanctuary seats more than Farmington Arts Center, we are doing one less show this year, so it’s suggested you order your tickets as early as possible. Tickets at the door, if there are seats available, will be $20.
I’ll post a little later about the amazing musicians who will be playing with me.
Hope you can come!

Cori, We waited a little too long and are unable to get a seat to your Farmington concert. Would you please consider adding another concert to the Farmington schedule in December? I’m sure it would sell out and we would be first to get tickets. Thanks, Julie LaRocco
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