Shout out to all you mama and papa bears out there as you send your little bears off to school. All sorts of emotions bubble up this time of year, and even though I do not personally get to send my littles off every morning any more, I’m thinking of you who do, and I’m sending whispers of encouragement. You will survive the changes, and so will your kids. Homework will not kill you, though if I recall correctly it was the bane of my existence when my kids were in in the middle to upper grades. You will one day get to sleep in once in a while, or at least wake up at will. And one day you’ll turn your head for just a sec and when you turn back you’ll find you are feeling the same feels for your grandkids. It’s all part of the journey. Here’s hoping you find something personally demanding/fulfilling to blow some wind into your parental sails.

Meanwhile, let your young charges go ahead and struggle a bit. It’s how courage is born. And better that they learn how to navigate rough waters in the safety of your watchful eye than waiting till they are off in some distant spot in a new career and have to learn the lessons life is designed to teach us.

Be humble. Be kind. Be brave.

Big hugs,
